- class madupite.MDP(*args, **kwargs)#
Represents a Markov Decision Process (MDP).
This class provides methods to define and solve an MDP by setting the necessary components such as the stage cost matrix and transition probability tensor.
- __init__(self, madupite=madupite_initialize(), comm=0)
Initialize the MDP with a Madupite instance and MPI communicator.
- clearOptions(self)
Clear all options for the MDP.
- setOption(self, option, value=None)
Set an option for the MDP.
- optionstr
The name of the option to set.
- valueoptional
The value to assign to the option. If not provided, the option is set with its default value.
- setStageCostMatrix(self, arg)
Set the stage cost matrix for the MDP.
- argmadupite.madupite.Matrix
The matrix representing the stage costs for the MDP.
- setTransitionProbabilityTensor(self, arg)
Set the transition probability tensor for the MDP.
- argmadupite.madupite.Matrix
The tensor representing the transition probabilities for the MDP.
- setUp(self)
Optional call to set up the MDP class internally.
- solve(self)
Solve the MDP problem.
This method computes the optimal policy and value function for the defined MDP.
- __init__(self, madupite: madupite._madupite_impl.Madupite = <madupite._madupite_impl.Madupite object at 0x7fcc2cd33010>, comm: int = 0) None #
Initialize MDP with Madupite instance and MPI communicator
(self, madupite, comm)Initialize MDP with Madupite instance and MPI communicator
(self)Clear all options for MDP
(self, option[, value])Set options for MDP
(self, arg, /)Set the stage cost matrix
(self, arg, /)Set the transition probability tensor
(self)Set up the MDP class
(self)Solve the MDP problem